

NativeAuthenticator is a authenticator plugin for JupyterHub.

It is available on Pypi. The easiest way to install it is via pip:

$ pip install jupyterhub-nativeauthenticator

Alternatively, you can install this authenticator through the project’s gitHub repository:

$ git clone https://github.com/jupyterhub/nativeauthenticator.git
$ cd nativeauthenticator
$ pip install -e .

After running the installation method of your choice, you must create the configuration file for JupyterHub:

$ jupyterhub --generate-config -f /etc/jupyterhub/jupyterhub_config.py

Also, change the default authenticator class to NativeAuthenticator:

c.JupyterHub.authenticator_class = 'nativeauthenticator.NativeAuthenticator'

Lastly, you need to add the following to the configuration file as well:

import os, nativeauthenticator
c.JupyterHub.template_paths = ["{}/templates/".format(os.path.dirname(nativeauthenticator.__file__))]

Now you can run JupyterHub using the updated configuration file and start using JupyterHub with NativeAuthenticator:

$ jupyterhub -f /etc/jupyterhub/jupyterhub_config.py

Default workflow

A new user that wants access to a system running NativeAuthenticator must first visit the signup page and create a new account with a username and password. By default, this user will not have access to the system, they will need the authorization of an admin to actually be able to login the system. Thus, after executing the signup, the user will receive a message letting them know that their information was sent to an admin.


The admin must access the authorization panel and authorize the user so they be able to login:


Adding new users

To create a new user one must go to /hub/signup and sign up with a username and a password. The information asked for on signup can change depending on admin configuration, but all fields are obligatory. By default, when a new user is created on the system they will need an administrator authorization to access the system.

It is important to note that admin accounts must also be created through signup. However, usernames listed in the config file as admins (see below) will automatically have authorization to enter the system.

c.Authenticator.admin_users = {'username'}

Username restrictions

Usernames cannot be empty or contain commas, spaces or slashes. If any of these apply, the user will receive an error and will not be able to sign up.

Authorize or un-authorize users

To authorize new users to enter the system or to manage those that already have access to the system you can go to /hub/authorize while logged in as an admin user. Alternatively, you can click the “Authorize Users” element on your home page. Authorized users will have a green background with a button to unauthorize them while unauthorized users will have a white background and an authorization button. From here, you can also discard users that attempted to sign up but whom you do not want to authorize (they will not be notified).


Change password

Users that are logged in the system can easily change their password by going to: /hub/change-password or clicking the “Change Password” element on their home page.
