Errors & Troubleshooting

These are some common problems that users sometimes run into and their respective solutions.

If you find yourself running into issues that are not resolved with the advice found here, please consider opening an issue or filing a bug report.

Internal Server Errors (500) after upgrading to >= 1.0

One possible reason for this is that you’re using an older database that doesn’t have all necessary columns in the users_info table, as the column login_email_sent was only introduced in version 1.0. You can verify this by looking into your system’s journal (journalctl). If you find a line like the following with your error, then this is indeed the problem.

sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (sqlite3.OperationalError) no such column: users_info.login_email_sent

To remedy this, you merely need to add the column to your jupyterhub.sqlite database with the command below. This is not done programatically on account of JupyterHub’s SQL library not being intended for a use-case such as this. They therefore recommend migrating the database manually.

$ sqlite3 /path/to/your/jupyterhub.sqlite "ALTER TABLE users_info ADD login_email_sent Boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT (0)"